Payroll Managers

Automating our driver time sheet and payroll management with XBE has significantly reduced my workload and errors, making payroll weeks so much smoother.

With XBE, Payroll Managers can achieve automated and digitized trucking time cards, invoicing, and bookkeeping, automate and streamline driver time sheet and payroll management, and digitize and streamline crew payroll and equipment time sheet management seamlessly.

Additionally, they can ensure all trucking shifts have timely time card creation and approval, ensure all trucking invoices are generated and imported into ERP for the previous day, and minimize trucking time card padding and overpayments effectively.

Moreover, they can minimize post-approval trucking time card changes and rate corrections, improve accuracy of project cash flow forecasting, and recognize and reward culture-consistent behavior throughout the organization, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

And Many More Goals

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