Horizon Newsletter • January 20, 2025
Route 52 (Mile Marker Three): One-Step Automated Extraction of Material Transaction Attributes from Ticket Images

You're on Route 52 with XBE. For 52 straight Mondays during 2025, we're announcing something new and exciting.

We've reached Mile Marker Three, One-Step Automated Extraction of Material Transaction Attributes from Ticket Images.

If you submit or manage driver tickets, this stop is for you.

With this new feature, drivers simply snap a photo of a printed material ticket and the ticket number, quantity, and time are automatically extracted into the material transaction form. Most ticket submissions now take only 5 steps (about 10 seconds), down from over 20 clicks before.

The data extraction is powered by a fine-tuned AI model that achieves 95% accuracy with real-world ticket images in our testing—clear individual ticket photos are even more accurate. And we expect that success rate to keep improving over time.

An extra bonus is improved accuracy of transaction times, now automatically captured from the ticket image. This not only saves drivers time but also helps correct the many mistakes we’ve seen with manually-entered times.

This feature is currently available in the web version of XBE and will soon be deployed to iOS and Android. After that, we'll use the same model to automate the acceptance of most driver-submitted material transactions.

Stay tuned next week for Mile Marker Four.

If you're an XBE user, check out the release note for more details.