Horizon Newsletter • December 20, 2021
2021 Year In Review

2021 was the best year yet for XBE and its community. We're thankful for the great work that we've done together. Our purpose is to create competitive advantage for our customers, and it's been incredibly rewarding to see that happen. While there is much more to do, we'd like to look back on the past year and acknowledge the progress that has been made, and the people responsible.

Customers managed $100M+ of trucking volume through XBE in 2021, a 70%+ increase over 2020. We added 3,100 new user accounts, enabled dozens of new integrations, and processed more than 1.2M material transactions. It was our biggest year yet, by far.

We also expanded our Horizon customer collaboration initiative to include team meetings every 1-4 weeks to review new features and priorities, added Waypoint calls to discuss strategic and leadership topics with customer executives, and saw a 2X increase in usage of customer Slack channels. The collaboration has never been better, and is a steady source of value for us all.

As for the software platform, it was an incredible year. We published 63 release notes and deployed hundreds of additional speed-ups, enhancements, and fixes.

It's difficult to pick favorites, but if we have to, our top 10 new features are:

  1. Daily recaps
  2. Plan monitoring grid including XBE TV
  3. Trucking surplus dashboard
  4. Enhanced shift assignment workflow
  5. Bulk changes of plans (statuses and schedules)
  6. One-click transaction creation and adjustment in the driver movement chart
  7. Material demand forecast
  8. On-time starts dashboard
  9. Automated check-in via GPS or material transaction
  10. Developer trucker certification spend tracking and reporting

The platform is faster and more stable than ever despite significant growth and feature expansion. We're in a great position to continue innovating on multiple fronts. Wait until you see what's next!

Lastly, I'd like to thank the entire XBE team for their excellent work. Milind, Benjamin, Chandra, Colenso, Grant, Matt, Pankaj, Theresa, Kayla, Shirish, Cinatra, Katie, Juliana, Riley, Hassan, Sherry, Dinesh, and Sam. You're amazing.


Sean Devine
Founder & CEO